196 TROTTY’'S WEDDING TOUR. rag-bag or other where it had laid as a fossil for a season, and put it on? Majestically upon her lank figure, the faded fac-simile of our beautiful paper was now sailing about the house. This last touch was too much. It did not break the camel’s back ; it only aroused the camel’s intellect to a fierce and unparalleled ingenuity. ‘“‘ Mari,” said Alta, solemnly, “we must have this room re-papered before dark to-night.” “Very well, Alta. Shall we beg?” “No.” “ Steal?” * No.” “Very well, Alta. Order a velvet-and-gilt tapestry, from the King of the Witches?” “ Order something plain from Henry Haspy’s. I think, if you will offer to tend store for him for three days (and let him off to the cattle-show), I will make hay for Mr. Putty for a week. That would bring us enough, and something over for peanuts. Mr. Putty asked me the other day to help him with his hay; of course, he had n’t an idea I’d do it; but I kept it in my mind, —I/’d just as lief. You don’t mind * tending store a couple of days!” “ N-not very much.” , “ Well, then!” “ Well, then!” “ Well go and get the paper this minute, and stop at Mr.