THE CALICO PAPER. 181 CHAPTER XVIII. THE CALICO PAPER. ILL called the next two stories ‘The Laughing and Crying. Philosopher.” She was studying Grecian His- tory, and had come to Heraclitus and Democritus, I sup- pose. Like most of the stories, they both were true. “ At least,” said Trotty, ‘“‘ they ’re a good ways true.” “ Wuere ’s the hand-bag ?” “ Here ’s the sun-umbrella!” “ The baby ’s swallowed the shawl-straps !”’ “No, she has n’t. She’s sitting in the custard-pudding!” “ Here are the straps! Bib ’s hung himself to the entry- lamp with them. And here are your tips, mother. And don’t forget the little gray shawl. O Alta! where ’s the lunch-box? Did you put slices in between the mustard? I mean —”” “ Here ’s the coach this minute, and I can’t find the key to the hat-box anywhere! Mari! Alta! Mari! Don’t let the baby tumble down the steps till she gets her face washed !” “ Here, Bib, hold still, sir! Where ’s your jacket? Stop