THE CHAPTER THAT TROTTY DID N’'T PRINT. 159 . want to how you ll just see me at quarter of nine to-moller morning. I’m sitting on e table. Once I tipped over the ink-bottle. Tt did n’t ’most all go into Lill’s lap. Vere was a little left. Lill’s in a chair. Grandma is knitting. Zherusalem’s got under her rocker, and she rocks on him. So I tipped e ink over trying to get him out. Ven last night my muyver went to a prayer-meeting. She said it was Solomon. But I don’t believe it, and I would n’t if I were you either. Solomon could n’t be vere because he died, and you KNow you told us vere were n’t any ghosts in North America! Tf you “ll give me bumble-bee to spell to-morrow, I'll get to ve head. You need n’t tell, cither. B-u-m bum b-e-l ble, bumble, b-e-a bee. Bumble-bee. I’ve got a sore froat. Playing Drown in e hogshead. So Nate put on ve cover and I could n’t get out till I’d stayed in awhile. It felt a little damp. But I don’t fink vey need to changed all my clothes. Ve water was n’t more ’n a foat deep; and another piecer foot. Lill says e irk’s all gone. Because Zherusalem jumped me over it again getting rocked on. I don’t like letters. I’d rather telegraph. I had a blue silk one. Before I went to school to you. Grandma lost it. Lill says I am Your affectionate Pupil, Trotry TYRo..