158 TROTTY’'S WEDDING TOUR. No. 4. —GenERAL GRANT. Miss Pumpkin says to write somefing vat I can’t eat. I can’t fink of anyfing but General Grant. General Grant. We made him out of a wood-pile once. General Grant. (Dee me! Dee, dee! I don’t know any.) Well — General Grant. He lives into ve White House up at Washington. He’s ve President. I’m going to be. When I get big enough. But Max says not before I get into long pants. Vats e trouble with my mother. She’s a very good woman, but she keeps your pants so short. Ho! hum— General Grant. Let me see. Aunt Matthews saw him down at Bethlehem this summer. Where ve mountains are. But Lill says it was n’t e Bible Bethlehem. Lill’s always saying somefing. General Grant fighted in the war, and he just Beat’m! Of course he did. So would I. Once I saw a Rebel. He was alive, too. I did n’t see ane fing very funny about him. Nor pistols either. No. 5. Dear Mrs. Punxiys, — I don’t fink a letter sounds much Tee a composition, and Lill is writing it out because you said so. I should n’t fink you ’d want a letter from me, when you know as well as you