144 TROTTYS WEDDING TOUR. was discouraged, and tried again and thought again and planned again, and said, “If a girl of eighteen can’t earn one hundred and four dollars, she ought to be ashamed of her- self!” and was so very much ashamed of herself that one day she shamed herself into a bright idea: She kept it quite to herself, as people always should do with bright ideas till the gloss is worn off, and they can see how bright they really are; but she wrote a letter on the strength of it, and that she did n’t keep to herself. She put it into the post-office with her own hands that very night. It ran like this : — “ELEGANT ELECTROTYPER, Esq. “Dear Sir, —I should like to see a specimen of your silver- plating for domestic use, as advertised in the Every Evening of this week. I enclose postage. Please send also one of your circulars for agents. “ Respectfully, “ (Miss) Bers Burpey, “ Northampton, “ Mass.” Four days after that Mr. Burden brought home from the office a very plump letter for Beeb. She opened it, and a little bottle fell out. It was her specimen bottle of silver- plating. “ Homeeopathy ?”’ asked her father. But Beeb went away with red cheeks, and locked herself and her bottle and her letter into her own room.