126 TROTTYS WEDDING TOUR. country would n’t tell you, that when you walk down town in that plaid suit of yours, Trim Dash, you cut a ridiculous... figure. A ridiculous figure! There! Now 1’ve had my say, do what you like with your dress, Rye Robbins; but send home Trim and Godey, before you decide.” “ But one must trim a skirt,” laughed Trim, by nBrneans offended, though by no means convinced. “ A short skirt. Perhaps. Not necessary. I don’t want Rye to look ugly. I want to make her just as pretty as Ican. She knows that.” “ Yes,’ assented Rye, uncertainly; the ruffles had all slipped off on the green tide, now. “What would you do, Aunt Banger, if you were we, you know?” This question came thoughtfully, after a pause. “JT would n’t flop round,” said Aunt Banger, promptly. “Td braid, bind, fold, contrive. I’d have too much vanity not to look heavy and rich and uncrumpled and in place, and where I belonged. I’d as soon wear a meal-bag, for instance, tied on behind me as that sash of Trim’s. Id look finished, not upholstered. Superfluous ornament is ten times worse | than none at all. Instead of trimming myself wherever I could, I’d trim only just where I could n’t help it. Ways? I’d make ways!” “ But what ’s the use for Prim and me, you see, to make a way? Nobody else would set foot in it.” “ Some wealthy Catholic ladies in Paris,” said "Aunt Banger with her eyes on the ceiling, “have formed a society for re-