124 TROTTYS WEDDING TOUR. Aunt Banger laid the Bazar across her sharp knees, and sharply ran her sharp forefinger over the cream-faced lady. “ A candy-pull!”? Rye suggested, trying to laugh; but she felt more like crying. Trim had said that ruffles were “ the thing” (this was last spring), and Trim always knew what was the “ thing” better than Aunt Banger. There were ruffles enough on the creamy lady. Ruffles on the bottom of the skirt, ruffles on the middle of the skirt; ruffles, in fact, all over the skirt; ruffles on the sack, around the edge, up the back, across the sleeves, up the front, around the collar; a ruffle (in another plate, but the same unfortunate lady, in the same unfortunate suit, for her sack lay ruffling the sofa) on the waist of the dress, on the sleeves of the dress, on the sash of the dress, — “ Rufiles, ruffles everywhere.” : “ Or you might take off the upper two, and make a double skirt, — with a ruffle,” observed Trim, sweetly, by way of improvement. “7 “ Now, girls!” repeated Aunt Banger, “it isn’t pretty! Tt isn’t, really. Not a bit of it.” She turned over the leaves of the fashion-books in her quick, relentless way. “There are n’t three dresses here I would n’t be ashamed to be seen in, — no, not even if I were Rye. What with your frills, and your perks, and your peaks, and your odds, and your ends, and your streamers, you 1870 girls look more like a little set of poll-parrots at a monkey-show ” (Aunt Banger was in too much of a hurry to attend to the remarkable zodlogical con-