102 TROTTY'S WEDDING TOUR. silver fringe and buttons. His vest was of faint gray velvet, —whether it was faded or not, Ruby could not make out, —~ and on his head was a three-cornered cap of white tissue- paper, with a little black tassel on top of it. But by far the funniest thing about him was his face. It was as round as a dinner-plate, and perfectly white. His eyes were round, and his nose was round, and his mouth was round, and there was not a particle of color anywhere in them. His eyebrows and eyclashes, his hair, and his long, flowing beard, were like drifting snow. , He stood looking very solemnly at Ruby ; and, after he had looked a minute without speaking, he made her so low a bow, that the tassel on the tip of his tissue hat touched the ground. “ Why — why, who are you?” stammered Ruby, with her eyes very wide open. ** Guess,”’ said he, setting his cap straight. “ Well, maybe,’ began Ruby, trying very hard not to be frightened, — ‘maybe you — you’re one of the fairies that live in the rocks by the brook. I guess I saw you peekin’ out of a crack, last week.” “No, you did n’t,” said the stranger ; “ guess again.” “Or perhaps you ’re some sort — some sort of a—sort of a king, you know,” said Ruby, hesitating, and feeling of the gold beads on her forehead; “and you’ve got a palace, — a real live one.” “* Guess again,”’ said the old gentleman.