HOW JUNE FOUND MASSA LINKUM. 77 “ Creline, what ’s he done gone come down here fur? Am he de Messiah ? ” “ Bress yer soul, chile! don’ ye know better ’n dat ar?” “ Don’ know nuffin,” said June, sullenly. ‘ Neber knows nuffin ; ’spects I neber’s gwine to. Can’ go out in de road to fine out,— she beat me. Can’ ask nuffin,—she jest gib me a push down cellar. O Creline, der’s sech rats down dar now, — dar is!”’ “ Yer poor critter!” said Creline, with great contempt for her ignorance. “ Why, Massa Linkum, eberybody knows *bout he! He’s done gone made we free,— whole heap on we.” “Free!” echoed June, with puzzled eyes. “ Laws, yes, chile; ’pears like yer ’s drefful stupid. Yer don’ b’long —” Creline lowered her voice to a mysterious whisper, and looked carefully at the closed door, —“ yer don’ b’long to Missus Jolly no more dan she b’long to you, an’ dat ’s de trufe now, ’case Massa Linkum say so, — God bress him!” Just then Madame Joilet came back. “‘ What ’s that you ’re talking about?” she said sharply. “¢ June was jes’ sayin’ what a heap she tink ob you, ae said Creline, with a grave face. June lay awake a long time that night, thinking about Massa Linkum, and the wonderful news Creline had brought, and wondering when Madame Joilet would tell her that she was free.