50 TROTTY'S WEDDING TOUR. CHAPTER VII. ANOTHER STORY. HAT story was printed in three days. I don’t know how many days it would have taken, but Max said ‘“‘ the printer’s devil” helped. Trotty looked very grave, and told his mother that Max was learning to swear; but Lill said it was her belief that Max came up over-night and printed himself. At any rate, every morning there was a clean page or two somehow mysteriously added to the story- book, and every morning Max was too busy studying to answer any questions about anything. However that may be, the Bobbit story went off swimmingly, and on the fourth day, the children gathered together in solemn conclave, to select the next. The next was to be a boy’s story, too, you remember. They turned the leaves over. They tossed the papers about. Lill held them. She sat down on the attic floor and began to read. “ That ’s no fair!” cried Trotty. And indeed it was n’t. “Just wait till I see how it turned out,’ begged Lill, whisking over the leaves fast. “ No,”’ said Nate, “if you ’ve got to read, you should read. Let ’s hear some of it, and see.”