Article Title: Latest From The South. Two letters from Amelia Island. The British Navy under Admiral Cockburn have taken Cumberland and St. Mary's in Georgia and looted the town. Author: Published in: National Intelligencer Place of Publication: Washington, DC Publication Date: 2/4/1815 LATEST FROM THE SOUTH. Savannah, January 24. An Express reached this place yesterdayby it we have been put in possession of the following intelligence : Amelia Island, 18 January. SIRThe men of war lay in lines off our bar. The Spanish pilot refused to bring them in, but that lead to a greater evil. They discovered a new channel to the southward of the present one, and found water enough to bring in their heavy bomb ships and brings, (now lying at St. Mary's) the Devastation, Terror and Primrose. The destruction is beyond what I can write ; Mrs. Miller's house is head quarters ; I tremble for the fate of Savannah, which is no doubt the next object, and indeed they make no secret of it; you no doubt will have heard the description of the major part of their force --. Look out after your's; they are already joining fast at St. Mary's. " We are all in a great state of alarm ; the enemy have however nearly got all their plunder shipped, and will evacuate St. Mary's to-morrow or next day, as well as Point Petre ; but intend fortifying Comberland. Admiral Cockburn is arrived at St. Mary's ; and yesterday arrived a frigate with dispatches to sir Thomas Cochrane from Bermuda ; great hopes of raising the blockade and war with France and Britain ; however, this is all conjecture, the officers keep it close. A ship from Lisbon brings accounts that the blockade was not to be raised until 25th March next, in consequence of Talleyrand demanding the Netherlands ; a war was inevitable, and a very hot press had taken place in England in consequence, and all their military ordered for actual service, c." " Amelia Island, January 18. DEAR SIRIn haste I drop a few lines to you. You will have heard, of course, of the possession of St. Mary's and Cumberland by the British. They still remain there, with about two thousand troops, marines and --. Admiral Cockburn is at St. Mary's, plundering. All the property has been shipped, such as cotton, tobacco, brandy, gin, dry goods, c. c. Stores have been broken open, and given up to plunder to the soldiers and sailors ; in fact a counterpart of the transaction at Havre de Grace. Two 74's and eight frigates are at anchor off the bar, and four sloops were inside and at St. Mary's. I think they intend leaving St. Mary's in a few days, but will keep possession of Cumberland. No reinforcement has yet arrived. There are yet some troops on board the ships off this port. Their whole number is about three thousand. I think they are waiting the arrival of reinforcements; and your city is their object."