enablaganaiona I I etwokin of ci*0is0 IV*a What is VIVO? U VIVO is an open source semantic web application that enables the discovery of research and scholarship across disciplinary and administrative boundaries through interlinked profiles of people and other research-related information. U VIVO uses data ingested from institutional sources of record and external sources and can be supplemented with manual entry to populate detailed profiles of researchers with information related to publications, grants, educational background, research interests, teaching, awards, professional affiliations, and more. U Data in VIVO conform to a public ontology of types and relationships that can be extended for local needs via the ontology editor included with the VIVO application. U VIVO's ontology supports faceted searching for quick retrieval of people, organizations, events, and research-related information. U Institutional VIVOs and other compatible profiling applications are producing data to form a rich network of information that can be searched to foster collaboration across institutions and enable open sharing of research discovery. How can you use VIVO? FacvlIW/Scho a IR sea ce ISc enist * Find collaborators * Keep abreast of new work * Track competitors * Rely on customized profiles maintained via automatic updates * Discover current funded projects * Search for specialized expertise -Visualize research activity within an institution Adrinistrator " Showcase college, program, departmental activities * Identify areas of institutional strength * Manage data in one place * Identify research data to gather/ curate/share *Track research to prioritize collection budgeting * Customize library collections and services Stvdent * Locate mentors, advisors, or collaborators * Locate events, seminars, courses, programs, facilities * Showcase own research Anthony is writing a multi-disciplinary research proposal on molecular treatments for breast cancer. He would like to identify and contact potential collaborators and begin to exchange information regarding the research. Mary is the director of a large research center. She would like to visualize clusters of interests, techniques, and areas of specialty amongst the researchers that are part of her center. She would like to use this information to grow existing areas of strength and collaborative efforts and maximize ROI. Tom is completing his BS in Biology. He wants to identify institutions with robust programs in his research area of interest - the genetic bases of neurodegenerative disorders. Samantha is a faculty member at an university. She is looking for papers published by other scholars at her institution on using advanced statistical methods to analyze research impact in the bioinformatics domain. David is a federal agency staff member. He needs to identify people who can serve on scientific review panels. He wants to find people who work in specific areas, but wants to exclude people who have been co-authors with the researchers whose proposals are under review. Library administration or directors of core facilities want to align their strategic plan with the evolving research needs of their clientele. Identifying growth areas of research through increasing publications, frin ionri nraic nic racac r/inrzrrknA nvirint r'lrnlkrc anikloc 1-ktic i- cL tr't khornmo mnran iv a\/ilnra.k-hirCa VIVO 1.2 (Partial)Draft 1/28/2011 FOAF VIVO Core BIBO Event vivo Cu cnotext dKis vivO Core tiiity cass subclass subclass S(|I p- "bdas( (Z..S (tren grd- <--linkedAuthator Authorhip hasAuthorship-> L W--- hoidsPositlone 055 s - <-posibonlnOrganization assnSiated toie - hasRol-- R _e - -roeOf -- tlfttltw subclasses- hashtnendeeRole- --attendeeRoieOf hasLeaderRote-> <-leaderRoleOf hasMemberRole-> <--memberfoledf bohasOutreachProvfderhole > _ *outreachprosiderRoleOf hasPartnerRoie-> <--partnerRoleOf hasbermiceRrovidernole--> -.smrsiceProvderihoeOf \ hasCinidanRole-> S <--clinicianRoleOf \ ohasresenterRole- '<-presentertioleOf hasTecherRole-> S --teacherRoleOf hasResearcherRole-- C-researcherRoieOf � obsioss atleln-> <--relatedRoie The Harvester is an extensible data ingest and updating framework with sample configurations for loading PubMed publication, grants, and human resources data. External Data Store Download Harvester: http://sourceforge.net/projects/vivo VIVO 1.2 includes a new ontology module representing research resources including biological specimens, human studies, instruments, organisms, protocols, reagents, and research opportunities. This module is aligned with the top-level ontology classes and properties from the NIH-funded eagle-i Project (https://www.eagle-i.org/home/). Harvester Translate Fetch Score Transfer Qualify Controller Data Sources sO o So a 0 sO H )ata stored as RDF triples usir standard ontology IO~ IH I * , * 9 |0 00 0,.. , a ,a * a a ag,,a ** , * ,**I Home People i I 32 vdavis2uf8.edu W 3522732880 Linked Open Data Aodl u<0o- Lists / Reiource/ subjecnsJ t4gm i '-"* "- (DBTne) (DBTLne) RAMEAU FoIR NPly 111 ob ~ao~ngLists . A 0, Orsonsalos- Magna. 1 rWn, 'rS Te Open I saEos CS CIS t.- Lbrary LIS S: LCSH" or ( u-bator (aitgist) Man- lbi-r �Vn V RdoMusic RaLnRIK D- ]sm 0 S sSnUsts ihe Open pet ho a d~ ?si Fantlba (Data ( Es Library 1S (oem. US SUs th (DDB e)( falls) Norm Mast- apo c\bator) damtera n st uAxingE resesrot SaiTS EDBThne) (rdfze) \LCIN Book p so Wahk_ Enera C2 vit^s oK.nf mtoti MusicS UdmnI& O0SnC) RDF c= ~ / no, America Media aaCtaog Media Ac Wildlife e5KG o od - EDi legislation orep Localsproah. ToamNolyDLP Explorer g-uk oy - Ii X York tiiu - o Codes VI As of SepteCiteSeer T R aBy IEEon LDFan using sod s orntologins tEin ei e Connept e Cr ell Srllw the---- oien Datt Linred oe Data cloud. isr Esten Rygas globally unambguou quenie froemi across eiv e d sOe .4....a . . E- sn) F ShesUleblcKIT The bdSIEPu London Gh EGJS TWott C LOGO tLinkeatdataaiMyEL80rnpno ChS I KG NSF DsiiOK Rshout Seor DaPathwes USg SEC (Kno..n~sis) rinse CpS inoncn Media x dtoboPLTsargi (550 RIEDO KEGS Geographic SagCensus 0enFr publication BisgUn~fI G 42RDF Hi"" user-generated content Geooata Crelmomn FsPbMed saneGovernment AirpoU ntlgy GneIDCross-domain0 UndIS an G1Life sciencesc1I Bank (OMIM EnterPro0 As of September 2010 )1 �� By storing data in VIVO in RDF and using standard ontologies, the information in VIVO can either be displayed in a human-readable web page or delivered to other systems as RDR This allows the open researcher data in VIVO to be harvested, aggregated, and integrated into the Linked Open Data cloud. SPARQL is an RDF query language which allows users to construct globally unambiguous queries, from across diverse data sources. 2010 Implemer and the U J I conference p The UF Libr pIeseltation American Libi Bioactive Exp IFAS 9th Annu Plagiarism on VIVO Enabling Research Co-[)t if)c]al Develnoing ia Investigator c VIVO: Enablin Background education an B.A. in English M.L.S. in Libra awards and h, 2009 George Receipt Contact making addjii Marston Scien Other VIVO Nationa semantic appi agricultural in > Mafston Science Libray profile Affiliation Public Affiliation pi fetled titn Outreach Libr Publications seleCted pib academic art Elegance oi Supporting at the UInivE EvalUatinci i Evaluating I Serving a di CommunitY Challenges chapter Bioterrorisi conference p Increasing VIVO Ontology 1 0 0 2 IhD, MLIS; Kristi L. Holmes, PhD ; Christoph - - I UP] 1 114 c ____a \